Overview & Schedule

Since its inception in 1996, the Young Artists Festival has provided thousands of students the opportunity to connect with the arts through competitions, workshops, master classes and recitals.  Designed for Adams County students and teachers, the Young Artists Alliance features artists of piano, strings, dance, drama and vocal.

The 2024 Festival features vocal students and is sponsored by YAA and through a City of Thornton Recovery Grant.  In past years our partners have included SCFD, the City of Thornton and corporations.  The Young Artists Alliance currently administrates this program.

Vocal Information and Schedule

Thank you to all vocalists and teachers for participating in the 2024 festival competition.  The vocal divisions will be held Friday, April 12, 2024 at the Margaret W. Carpenter Recreation Center located at 11150 Colorado Blvd.  Start time will be at 5:30 pm.  Family and friends are invited to attend the event at no charge.

As you enter the recreation center, turn left just past the registration desk.  The competition rooms are on your right.  Below you will find your division’s start time and competition number.  Students will be introduced by their competition number.   The festival is a public performance and concert attire is required.  We suggest girls consider modesty in their dress.  Avoid short skirts and plunging necklines.  Boys, no ragged jeans or sweatshirts.  Dress shirts or suits with ties are preferred.   Vocalists will perform on a small stage with a one step incline.  Give your original music with the measures number to the volunteer.  Warm up at home.  Warm-up rooms will be limited.


Junior Division                                           Start Time 5:30 pm

201  Karlina Klotzle                

202  Etta McCurdy                 

203  Ariana Montoya

204  Molly Roman     

205  Lillia Uzcategui

206  John Wilson                                            Ends about 6:35 pm


Intermediate Division                              Start time 6:50 pm

301  Ashton Black      

302  Felicity DeWitt                                                               

303  Parker Girtin                  

304  Taryn Hermosillo                                                            

305  Adelyn McOlde  

306  Max Morley

307  Ella Smith                                                 Ends about 7:35 pm


Senior A Division                                                   Start time 7:50 pm

401  Satori Adnan      

402  Will McGaha      

403  Lia Morley          

404  Emily Noble       

405  Brooke Sturtz

406  Kori Zirker                                                           Ends about 8:32 pm


Senior B Division                                                   Start time  8: 45 pm

501  Haleigh Glaser

502  Hailey Nelson

503  Hannah Jo Shelton

504  Sara Wandishin                                                  Ends about 9:15 pm

Thank you for sharing your talents with us.  Award winners will be posted online youngartistsalliance.com

late Friday evening or Saturday morning.

Questions:       Rosalie Keith               youngartistsalliance@comcast.net                303-457-2289


To participate in the competitions, workshops, and recitals students must meet at least one of the conditions below:

  • Be a resident of Adams County (primary address located within county boundaries)
  • Study performing arts with a private teacher who is a resident of Adams County
  • Attend a performing arts school located within Adams County
  • Attend any Adams County district school
  • Live within any Adams County school district boundary


For information about each event and a link to register, follow the links below.

Schedule of Events – 2024 Young Artists Vocal Festival

February 16         Registration Opens (link to register will be posted here on February 15)                  
April 1                  Vocal Registration Deadline
April 3                  Late Registration Deadline
April 12                Vocal Divisions – Friday night 5:30 pm – Margaret Carpenter Recreation Center (Thornton),                               11151 Colorado Blvd.

For questions contact Rosalie Keith, Executive Director for the Young Artists Alliance, at youngartistsalliance@comcast.net or 303-457-2289.

General Competition Information

  • There should be no communication with the judges during the competitions.  Any necessary communication to judges will be done by administrators.
  • The decision of the judges is final. At the judges’ discretion, some awards may not be given.
  • Multiple divisions will be created as needed.