2021 Strings Performances and Instructions

Strings Students, Teachers and Parents: Thank you for participating in our spring festival. The string competitions will be held on Friday, April 16 beginning at 5:30 pm. No competitions will be held on Saturday.

Due to the Pandemic we ask you to do the following:

Warm up at home. No warm-up rooms or pianos are available at the Recreation Center.

Always wear masks inside Carpenter Recreation Center located at 111th and Colorado Blvd.

Concert attire is expected.


Check in with the volunteer inside the Billiard Room 20 minutes before your group performs. Show them your original music. The measures in your music must be numbered. Provide 3 copies of your music for the judges. On the first page of each copy write your performance number, Judge 1, 2, or 3 and place copies in the judges boxes. (Example: Student 504 Judge 2)

Only 20 spectators are permitted in the performance space. Four groups of chairs will meet distancing requirements. Each student can have five guests which could include the student, the teacher and family members. Groupings could include the student, the teacher and family members.

The piano will be cleaned in between each new accompanist.

Each student will be assigned a performance number. When this number is announced students may approach the stage for a one-minute tuning and sound check. When the performer is comfortable, they should play their selection. Stand and bow to the audience and judges during the applause. Recognize your accompanist.

Families should exit the performance space together only when a transition is indicated on the order of performance sheet. The next group will enter quickly and sit in a chair grouping.

The Young Artists Alliance thanks you for following the above guidelines requested by the city of Thornton and Adams County. This performance space has been donated to us for over 25 years. Should you have questions please e-mail Rosalie Keith at youngartistsalliance@comcast.net.

Friday, April 16, 2021
String Divisions
Performance Order

Intermediate A Division
Start Time 5:30 pm
501 Maxim Kuznetsov
502 Zephan Lee
End time about 5:40 pm

Intermediate B Division
Start Time 5:50 pm
551 Angela Bloshenko
552 Ava Lee
553 Savannah De Kruif
554 Aubrey Iverson
(Transition out)
(Transition in about 6:15 pm)

555 Lia Morley
556 Caleb Peister
557 Micaiah Lee
558 Valerie Xin
End time about 6:50 pm


Senior A Division
Start time about 7:15 pm
601 Christopher Chen
602 Jeremy Huang
(Transition out)
(Transition in about 7:40 pm)
603 Jiann Kim
604 Cheyenne Trujillo
605 Sebastien Weaver
End time about 8:10 pm

Senior B Division
Start time about 8:25 pm
651 Jacob Lee
652 Courtney Merrill
End time about 8:55 pm