2021 Piano Performances and Instructions

Piano Students, Teachers and Parents: Thank you for participating in our spring festival. The piano competitions will be held April 13, 14 and 15, 2021.

Due to the Pandemic we ask you to do the following:

Warm up at home. No warm up pianos are available.

Always wear masks inside Carpenter Recreation Center located at 111th and Colorado Blvd.

Concert attire is expected.


Check in with the volunteer inside the Billiard Room 20 minutes before your group performs. Show them your original music. The measures in your music must be numbered. Provide 3 copies of your music for the judges. On the first page of each copy write your performance number, Judge 1, 2, or 3 and place in judge’s boxes. (Example: Student 504 Judge 2)

Only 20 spectators are permitted in the performance space. Four groups of chairs will meet distancing requirements. Each student can have five guests which could include the student, the teacher and family members.

The piano will be cleaned in between each new performer.

Each student will be assigned a performance number. When this number is announced students may approach the stage for a one-minute warm-up and sound check. When the performer is comfortable, they should play their first selection. After a short pause, proceed with selection two. Stand and bow to the audience and judges during the applause.

Families should exit the performance space together only when a transition is indicated on the order of performance sheet. The next group will enter quickly and sit in a chair grouping.

The Young Artists Alliance thanks you for following the above guidelines requested by the city of Thornton and Adams County. This performance space has been donated to us for over 25 years. Should you have questions e-mail Rosalie Keith at youngartistsalliance@comcast.net

Performers to be Featured Tuesday Night, April 13. 2021
Beginner and Junior Divisions

Beginner Division
Start Time 6:00 pm
101 Ruby Rogers
102 Noah Nyamdorj
103 Jeremiah De Kruif
104 Trey Merrill
Transition about 6:25 pm
105 Kyah De Kruif
106 Zephan Lee
107 Albert Huang
Transition about 6:35 pm
108 Dakota De Kruif
109 Milana Wahabby
110 Amy Yu
End Time about 7:00 pm

Judges Break

Junior Piano Division
Start Time 7:20 pm
201 Avigail Beeson
202 Amy Daines
203 Savannah De Kruif
204 Ava Lee
Transition about 7:55 pm
205 Micaiah Lee
206 Lia Morley
207 Austin Roberts
208 Mordecai Rogers
Transition about 8:30 pm
209 Madeline Walther
210 Geoffrey Boden
End Time about 8:50 pm

Performers to be Featured Wednesday Night, April 14, 2021
Intermediate Divisions

Intermediate A Piano Division
Start Time 6 pm
301 Ashlyn Burton
302 Abigail Green
303 Jeremy Huang
304 Courtney Merrill
Transition about 6:40 pm
305 Felix Nyamdorj
306 Sophie Rabus
End Time about 7:10 pm

Judges Break

Intermediate B Piano Division
Start Time 7:30 pm
351 Isaac Blasi
352 Ishita Mehta
353 Sariah Reeder
Transition about 7:55 pm
354 Emily Rogers
355 Ermelinda Veatch
356 Noah Wright
End Time about 8:15 pm

Performers to be Featured Thursday Night, April 15, 2021
Senior Division
Senior Scholarship Presentation

Senior Piano Division
Start Time 6 pm
401 Simon Cornejo
402 Anika Dash
403 Jaxon Jacobs
Transition about 6:33 pm
404 Laura Kohler
405 Avery Merrill
406 Grace Rowberry
End Time about 7:15 pm